About Us

What is Queen's AutoDrive?

Our Team

Queen's AutoDrive is one of two canadian universities invited to compete in the development of a Level 4 Autonomous Vehicle. Over the next four years, teams will be evaluated at the Michigan Testing Facility as they progress to full autonomy.

Our Mission

Our team aspires to learn as much as we can about autonomous driving with this unique opportunity. We foster an interesting and supportive environment for students to contribute.


Undergraduate Students


Graduate Students


Sub teams


Faculty Advisors

Team Structure

Electrical Team

The electrical team is responsible for modifying the vehicle and configuring hardware components.

Perception Team

The perception team is responsible for leveraging camera and LIDAR data for 2D and 3D object detection.

Simulation Team

The simulation team is responsible for creating realistic environments to test and validate all systems on the car.

Control Team

The control team is responsible for the system to determine the cars behaviour based on inputs from other systems.

Integration Team

The system integration team is responsible for coordinating the development efforts across teams.

Navigation Team

The navigation team is responsible for creating and testing the mapping and localization systems of the vehicle.
